MGE has assisted our Clients in the planning, programming and management of State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) funds. This has included working with Transportation Commission staff and elected officials to identify potential projects, development of project priority lists, preparation of Project Study Report (PSR) equivalents, coordination with local, state, and federal agencies involved with projects partially or fully funded by the STIP, and preparation of requests for allocations, funding supplements, amendments, and time extensions as needed. In addition, MGE has prepared project funding applications, grant packages, requests for authorization, certifications and other documentation for a variety of federal transportation programs in accordance with the Caltrans Local Agency Procedures Manual (LAPM). These have included:
- Surface Transportation Program (STP)
- Highway Bridge Program (HBP)
- Transportation Enhancement (TEA) and (TEA-21)
- Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) and (SRTS-2)
Successful Grant Funding Applications Include:
- Proposition 40: Passed in 2002, this parks bond allocated funds for State and Local parks. Utilizing funding from this bond, on behalf of our Clients, MGE has successfully applied for and completed PS&E and construction for local parks improvement projects including visitors centers and trailheads, trails and trail bridges, restroom installation and rehabilitation, and Interpretive Centers.
- Proposition 84: Passed in 2006 as the “Safe Drinking Water Bond Act”, MGE on behalf of our Clients successfully applied for grant funding for local projects. These projects include relocation of a USGS Gauging Station and improvement toexisting low water crossings in the Tahoe National Forest for water quality improvement.