MGE Engineering, Inc. (MGE) is the managing partner of a Joint Venture (MGE/V&A JV). This team was recently selected to provide engineering design services to the BOE Street Improvement Program for the design of the Broadway Streetscape Improvement Project. This project will begin implementing part of the Broadway Streetscape Master Plan (Broadway Plan), which is a cornerstone element of the Bring Back Broadway initiative. The plan strives to prioritize people over vehicles by implementing numerous pedestrian-oriented, traffic-calming tools, and transit amenities for the historic Broadway corridor between 1st and 12th Streets, one of the city’s busiest pedestrian corridors. The project objective is to transform the Broadway corridor into a more enjoyable place to walk, visit, and shop.
Located in the historic Broadway Theatre District, the project will widen the west sidewalk by eight feet, install curb extensions at all intersection corners and at mid-block locations to provide a shorter crossing distance for pedestrians. The west side curb extensions will double as Metro bus stops and loading platforms for the proposed street car that will utilize the southbound lane on Broadway. Landscaping, street furniture, and pedestrian level lighting will be installed to create inviting outdoor spaces for patrons to eat and congregate.
The MGE/V&A team is responsible for design of sidewalk, curb and gutter, Broadway reconstruction, traffic signal modifications, roadway signing and striping, landscape improvements, restoration/replacement of historic terrazzo sidewalk, and street lighting.